Wednesday, March 12, 2008

5th Wedding Anniversary

Trav and I celebrated our 5th wedding anniversary on the 8th. We had a great day . We went to the Aquarium of the Pacific in Long Beach. Both of us had never been before and we had a blast. I kept telling Trav to put his hand in every little touchy pool there was. He finally did because a little girl about 4 put her hand right in to touch the sting rays. I was laughing so hard.
By far the best things to see were the Sea Lions and the different types of jellyfish. I didn't think I would learn so much about the fishes in one day. It was great and I highly recommend going if you haven't. We then decided that we would go out for a nice dinner, but ended up at Ruby's diner in CDM. Man are those shakes good. We really didn't mean to have such a kid friendly day , but just ended up that way. Haha.