Friday, February 1, 2008


Our adventure begins with..."Really"? Travis and I have been together forever (almost 9 years) , and I think this is the biggest surprise in our relationship we have ever had. After only a month of trying we are now with child. I know, close your mouths and stop peeing yourselves. It was just a shock to us as it is you.

We are very excited, but more freaked out than anything. We both have never been around babies that much and really have no idea what we are doing. I am so glad that Nicole, Diana, Elishia and Claudia have and are going through this a little ahead me , so when I have stupid questions, I don' t feel so stupid.

I know I said I wouldn't do a blog , but just maybe this will help me from not being sooooooo freaked out. If I write about the ups and downs than I can let go of them easier and move on. Hope you enjoy.


Auntie Jacque said...

Hey there,
Happy Easter! Sorry to hear that you are not feelin well. Hang in there girl.... it's almost over. You should start feeling much better soon. It won't be long before you start feelin the little peanut having a little party in your tummy. :-) Love and miss both of you and the puppies.

Auntie Jacque said...

Hey there,
Happy Easter! Sorry to hear that you are not feelin well. Hang in there girl.... it's almost over. You should start feeling much better soon. It won't be long before you start feelin the little peanut having a little party in your tummy. :-) Love and miss both of you and the puppies.