Thursday, September 18, 2008

38 weeks

Love my pink jamy pants. This is what 38 weeks and 4 days looks like. I know, not pretty. I am now over it. I am uncomfortable and hate everyone and everything. Mostly because I move around at a snail's pace and can not even bend down without making a grunt sound. I WANT BABY OUT!!
There has been progress. I had my doctor's appointment today and am I 1 cm dilated and the baby has dropped. He is now officially on top of my bladder which makes me want to pee every 5 seconds. I asked how much the baby might weigh, and the doctor said about 7 lbs. Which is only a guess , since they can't really predict that sort of thing without an ultrasound. Baby J is on he way and I hope by this weekend we will have a new Bruin fan to cheer on with mommy. God knows we need the help.