Tuesday, April 21, 2009

6 month Check Up

Jonathan had his 6 month check up yesterday and everything went great. He weighed in at 16 lbs and 1 oz. This put him in the 10th-24th percentile. Thank goodness. I started to think I was doing something wrong. Before he was dipping below the 5th percentile. The doctor was super happy as was I and Trav. His head measured at 44 cm 50th percentile and he was 27 inches long also 50th percentile. He had a couple of shots and was really good. A little sensitive because he had missed his nap before our appointment. But this was the first time he didn't wake up in the middle of the night after getting his shots. We are just so glad that our gorgeous son is healthy and happy.

BTW- two more teeth came in this week. That's a total of 6. With more on the way. I don't know how much longer I can really nurse him. I dream every night that he has a full set of chopper's. More like a nightmare. Yikes!