Friday, March 20, 2009

Happy Half Birthday !!

Jonathan is 6 months old today. I can't believe how it's gone by so fast. He is getting bigger everyday , turning into such a little boy. He is sitting on his own. Putting everything he can into his mouth. Teething. Pooing real man poops. Eating a lot! He is very social and loves to smile and laugh.

Happy Half Birthday Baby!!
Mommy and Daddy


Trav is convinced that Jonathan will walk before he crawls. He is teaching lil' J how to stand on his own. This must be a guy thing.

First Tooth Part Deux

It's a lot harder than it sounds to take this type of picture. Babies are stronger than they appear. The second pic is just for fun. His nose is a little stained from carrots eaten earlier.

Thursday, March 12, 2009

First Hickey?

We all remember the first hickey we ever got. And it was usually given to yourself as a kid before someone else gave you one. But as a girl I probably didn't do that until like 5th grade. Well I guess boys learn earlier. Check out Jonathan's hickey that he gave himself last night.

Tuesday, March 3, 2009

First Tooth

Jonathan has his first tooth poking through. I noticed it on Saturday and now you can feel it when he nibbles on your finger. Kinda hurts. I couldn't get a picture because he puts his tongue over it all the time when you try to open his mouth. Hopefully I can get something. I will keep trying.

In the mean time please enjoy some fun entertainment. This is the Jumper Show!


Loves squash.

Monday, March 2, 2009


The doctor called with the news that Jonathan was a okay. He is just a wee one. Thanks for all your support.